As with traditional learning institutions, non-traditional institutions are exploring innovative and novel approaches to extend their reach while staying true to their organization's mission.


Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning efforts determine the purpose of developing an online learning identity. By articulating these objectives and needs, institutions set a clear path in marketing and outreach to existing and new participants as well as growing in areas that they have not explored.

Content Management System Design

Content Management Systems (CMS) platform address the ultimate needs and goals of a learning organization. In some cases, there are existing CMSs that fit these needs and in others, platforms are customized or built to meet requirements and specifications. Evaluation of existing CMSs are preformed to determine the best solution for the institution. 

Online Content Design

Once the online learning production process is underway, staff can be trained on production and content development so that the future process can be sustainable and independent.

Course Production Training

By utilizing the full potential of the online environment, along with subject matter experts and the designer, an online workshop or course can not only mirror a classroom but enhance the overall learning experience.